Renter Protection & Eviction Prevention: Keeping People Housed in North King County

Renters in North King County (NKC) and throughout the region are being squeezed between rising housing costs and a lack of affordable options. Join us as we look at the situation of renters after more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and learn some of the policy solutions that cities around the county are considering to better protect renters and improve housing stability.

Kenmore Mayor Nigel Herbig will provide opening remarks and share how his city has led the way in advancing renter protections in NKC. 

Community leaders, advocates and residents are all welcome and encouraged to attend! 

Hosted by the North Urban Human Services Alliance (NUHSA) and presented by the Stay Housed Stay Healthy Coalition. Register here. Questions? Contact

Friday, October 14
Noon to 1:15 p.m.
Via Zoom; Register HERE

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