2022-2023 NUHSA in Action

NUHSA continues to be a trusted leader in North King County (NKC), convening stakeholders, building trusted relationships and advocating for a collaborative approach in responding to our most pressing human services needs.

Over the last two years, our community has steadily adjusted to new post-pandemic realities. Emergency state and federal funds have steadily disappeared, but the need for housing stability, adequate food, accessible behavioral health services and more is still an acute need for many of our North King County neighbors.

To address these challenges, NUHSA developed an ambitious strategic plan to prioritize collaboration, education and advocacy to achieve goals addressing issues of affordable housing, shelter, homelessness and human services support. Great strides have been made to establish a human services focus, along with funding support, in our north-end communities – and we have become both a key resource for decision makers on the landscape and needs in NKC and a trusted partner in bringing people together in ways formal and informal that leverage information and resources to best serve the community.    

When NUHSA was founded in 2009, the prevailing perception was that NKC may not have the same needs and challenges as elsewhere in the county and therefore perhaps didn’t have the same need for local or regional funding support. We’ve come a long way since then, and NUHSA, on behalf of its north-end members and providers, has effectively advocated for the recognition, funding and engagement our north-end communities deserve. 

Read our end of year report of accomplishments here!

Recent Announcements
More Announcements
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    Nominate NUHSA’s 2024 Human Services Awards Recipients!
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  • May 16
    Affordable Housing 101 Lunch & Learn